Posts in Writing
Authenticity and the Creative

It’s long been discussed across the ages that the ultimate plight of the writer is expressing their authentic meaning—creating character interiorities that are authentically representational, creating worlds that mirror the images in our heads, and creating meaning through symbology that is an authentic expression of our intent. If you’re feeling hopeful, don’t. The answer is that it’s impossible.

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Exactly How to Find an Editor + the Privilege of Having One

Do you need an editor? What do they cost? What if you can’t afford an editor? How do you find one? What should you look for? In a response to heated Tweet, I’ve answered ALL of your editing and publishing questions here!

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The Truth About Book Sales, Having Heroes, Being an Introvert, and the Haters

Learn the most important things I’ve learned along my entrepreneurial journey as a working author and writer, including how authors really make money, what to do about the haters, why being an introvert is really an advantage, and why it’s important to have heroes.

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Creation Magick

If you want to cast real magick, start living out your purpose. Creation Magick is all about harnessing your own personal power through the contemporary lens of Paganism and pop culture witchcraft. It’s about how the hedgewitch partners with the Earth in a contract to help grow and harvest life in the same way that the writer is the gardener of worlds. It’s about how the sage has divine knowledge and knows when to release and when to reserve it for the good of humankind in the same way the writer is the deus ex machina with full editorial privilege. It’s about how the oracle can predict and feel the future, manipulating the fabric of time and space in the same way that the writer has the power to warp realities. It’s about how we all have the power of divination, but we’re scared to accept the path we know is ahead of us.

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